Donderdag was de laatste cursusmiddag in Etten-Leur voor de machinaal quilten-cursus.
Ik heb weer heel leuke dingen gedaan die ik echt toe kan passen. Het was weer heel gezellig en ik vond het jammer dat het afgelopen was.
It was a busy week with all sorts of little things to do. My husband took a few hours off yesterday to look for a new car. We finaly decided to go for a Ford C-Max. The new Focus was very beautiful but the size and height from the C-MAX were better for the family. With 3 tall children and my not-so-good back it's a far better choice. I'm also glad that we keep the old Focus for me to use.
I was also in Etten-Leur for my last course machine-quilting. You can see the pictures above. It was nice to use the little beeds on the organza.
After stitching the pattern I added 3 layers of organza. After stitching that i could cut away 1 or 2 layers and then it was al ovely outcome. I will surely use it on some project.